
Uncle Company Picnic

Yuming's company picnic is in Olentangy Indian Cave this year , we are all in the "gold rush " dream , pretend we are the gold prospector to panning for the previous metals.淘金夢喔!!! 有明叔叔( 我妹夫) 公司的野餐就在這 indian cave 舉行

再來就下去cave 看看 鐘乳石 石筍之類的  then we went down the cave to see the stalactite and stalagmite.

 我只顧著吃 所以都沒拍食物嘛  就是熱狗啦!! 漢堡之類的 甜點超好吃 甜的嚇死你 可是對我味啦!!! 這是我家小帥 一口想吃下半個布朗尼 , I forget to take the photo for the food. just like you know hot dog , hamburger ... oh!! the dessert were so good.  so sweet , look this is the photo that Allan is trying to eat half of brownie in one bite
play the mini golf

Ready to do the smore's   ingredients: Hershey Chocalate Bar,Gram Crackers,Big Marshmellows 準備做smore's 就是gram crackers 夾上烤好的marshmellow 再加上巧克力   甜到爆
一做好 錢錢的雙下巴就出來了 


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