
Merry Christmas / Christmas Eve

平安夜/Christmas Eve
兒子你的第十個平安夜, 第一個在台灣教堂過的平安夜 也遇到台灣十五年來最冷的寒流 , 在寒冬裡 你正用著你的第一個暖暖包握著它  雙手合十正在禱告.
Dear Son, this is your 10th Christmas Eve. It is your 1st Christmas eve in a Taiwan Church. We had the coldest cold front in 15 years.  On this cold night , you were holding a warm package and put your hands together , praying
我們不常上教堂, 因為媽媽我不喜歡因為每個星期日一定要上教堂, 那想出去玩不能去教堂時就會背著有對不起上帝的罪惡感 ! 即使我們不常上教堂, 但平安夜對於身為基督徒的爸爸是很重要的, 所以我們還是要到教堂去做彌撒, 做平安夜的夜彌撒.
We don't go to church very often , part of the reason for this is that I don't like the feeling that we “have to” go to church every Sunday morning because I would feel guilty if I went out to have fun on Sunday morning. But Christmas Eve is important for Dad , and all of us attended the Christmas Mass
坐在你身邊的我, 看著你的側面, 長長翹翹的睫毛, 很認真的看著字幕,唱著不是很熟的聖歌, 偶爾還要督促一下身邊不是很專心的媽媽. 兒子, 我要說  在這平安夜我感謝上天賜給我你這個好兒子, 特別是這一年多來, 你認真的態度, 讓自己成長面對學習中文的因難, 面對從美國到台灣來生活的種種挫折.  哭過,擦乾眼淚再做再站起來 ,再戰困難. 很有責任完成自己的作業. 甚至學著自己炒菜, 煮飯等生活技能
Sitting right next to you, watching your profile, with your long, curly eyelashes curling upwards, your eyes were seriously reading the lyrics on the screen and singing a hymn. Sometimes you also had to press or urge your Mom who was not paying a lot of attention about what was going on right next to you .  Dear Son , I would like to say something: On this Christmas Eve, I appreciate that God gave me a wonderful son. Especially in this past year, you have taken a serious attitude to face your obstacles: the difficulty of learning Chinese, all the frustrations of living a different lifestyle, and the cultural differences between Ohio and Taiwan.  You cried, wiped away the tears, then stood up and did it again, facing the difficulties again and trying to overcome them.  You also have been responsible for most of your work. You have even started to learn how to cook vegetables, cook rice, and practice other living skills.
兒子,你知道媽是個急性子的媽, 是個一心二用的媽 ,而你是個慢工出細活的孩子. 一急媽就會大聲, 有時就會害的你掉眼淚 , 我知道你會做的好只是需要點時間 , 只是媽媽我的急性子, 恨不得你在一夜之間就全會了, 就全適應了. 對不起, 孩子
Dear son, you know Mom is always in a hurry, with no patience and trying to multi-task all the time. But you are the kind of child whose slow work yields fine products. When I’m in a hurry, sometimes I yell, and that makes you cry. I know you can do the task at hand, but you just need some time. I know I’m just in too much of a rush. I don’t have patience, so I just can’t wait for you to be able to totally understand all the Chinese and be totally fine in both cultures and adjust to both lifestyles immediately.
有了你, 你的平安讓我安心, 你的勇敢讓我驕傲 , 平安夜裡, 媽媽我希望你永遠平安 , 心靈能平靜有所依託!! 孩子 , 我願意永遠是你的避風港
Because of you, your safety makes me feel secure, and your courage makes me proud. On this Christmas Eve, I hope you always have peace of mind. Dear son, I would always love to be your harbor


作醮 For ritual

Those are made by ginger and sweet potato!!
pumpkin tea pot
Ginger mountain and Watermelon Carving
squash with chinese word on it (peace)


Takewdo 跆拳道比賽 雖敗猶榮

兒子  我確定別人打你時 你肯定能擋两下 趕快跑了 !!  One of the reasons I think David should learn Takewdo is if he ran into some kind of  danger, at least he can block people and hurry up RUN!!!!  我只拍到這一場   所以啦就慘慘的看
被打了還是要再戰 !! 錢錢被打到嘴巴和膝蓋  這次知道要再戰 因為對方不會善罷干休

被踢到頭和嘴  在美國不能踢頭 在這踢頭有三分  david還怕怕的在踢 有還手  我就偷笑了 

教練說 再用力踢 踢高點  我給你靠




Trick or Treat !!! and Mini College friends get together


Kenny 我知道 我不會欠你會錢的  Jon 你在旁笑啥?還不來幫你老婆


你看小豌豆的表情  這些小朋友 小土豆看鏡頭最敬業


两位帥哥 來一張吧

