new hairstyle scared my son , then as soon as Jon saw it ,he said :Oh
my god, what is going on ? Is now Halloween time? 我的新髮型嚇到我兒子 我先生一看到只說
我的天啊? 發生了什麼事? 現在是萬聖節嗎???
Will I get heatstroke , if I wear tuque on my head during summer ???
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This is David's 1st experience to be away from family for 9 days. I joined him in last 3 days .He did pretty good job! Appreciate everyone helped me to take care David while he was away from me.
準備烤山豬肉 |
好樣的啦!! |
兒子和我 |
吃山豬肉 的啦!!! |
好玩的臉 !! |
東里大哥哥大姐姐的簽名球 |