

托麗君和Michael回台的福  我們終於有機會到高雄去找荊玉一家人  八個小男生 可愛的可愛  帥氣的帥氣  我們這些為娘的更是美的冒泡  台北下大雨時  我正在享受著高雄的艷陽呢 !!! 感謝荊玉一家人的熱情招待  讓我們又吃又喝又玩


1st time to ride the High speed train

The speed for the high speed train is around 299KM /hr . it makes our traveling time much shorter and avoid the "new year traffice jam"


Rabbit pencil 玉兔鉛筆



We went to the Rabbit Pencil industry Corp. where the first ballpen in Taiwan. We can't take the pictures during the tours.But during the tour they did explain how the pencil made. how do you it is good pencil or not. how you put on all the different graphics and colors. By end of the tours you also can make your own pencil. 


Dehua Street 快逛迪化街

The purpose to go to Dehua street where sells all the Chinese New Years groceries and foods is to "feel" the crowd and crazy people. This photo was taken in another end of street so we can see those beautiful building. We only there for less than a hour. Got few things and candies, it is hard to take photos in a crowd . so... 
in the back of photos , shop sells the dried apple, dried pear, start fruit , mushroom ,taro , green beans, sweet potato, and more.....

David's smile is odd , it is because we were there for 10 mins , but only moved few feet. Oh!! they are selling all kind of nuts.   


Semester end party in KTV!!!

Part of group members
The KTV in Taiwan is different from the karaoke in Ohio. Here you have your own room to sign or scream any song that you like instead of singing in front of a lot of strangers. Of course , you can do some crazy dance too.   Actually , Jon does this KTV with colleagues couple times per semester. 
David is dancing , sorry no video this time
you can tell what is David doing , right ?!!