
作醮 For ritual

Those are made by ginger and sweet potato!!
pumpkin tea pot
Ginger mountain and Watermelon Carving
squash with chinese word on it (peace)


Takewdo 跆拳道比賽 雖敗猶榮

兒子  我確定別人打你時 你肯定能擋两下 趕快跑了 !!  One of the reasons I think David should learn Takewdo is if he ran into some kind of  danger, at least he can block people and hurry up RUN!!!!  我只拍到這一場   所以啦就慘慘的看
被打了還是要再戰 !! 錢錢被打到嘴巴和膝蓋  這次知道要再戰 因為對方不會善罷干休

被踢到頭和嘴  在美國不能踢頭 在這踢頭有三分  david還怕怕的在踢 有還手  我就偷笑了 

教練說 再用力踢 踢高點  我給你靠

